The template was designed by standard conception of corporate websites. The template includes one homepage and one standardised subpage that can be configured to template with or without the sidebar.
Homepage Description
The Homepage is designed by the consideration to use for standard website requirements that could carry out many of your needs. The main feature of home template is high level of modifications and variations that you can set by the simple changing of several settings. It includes:
- Header (logo & horizontal top menu, searchobx, flag bar – optional)
- Customisable background (combinations of many backgrounds)
- Customisable page style (unlimited color style)
- Customisable font and element style (light/dark colors)
- Customisable Kwicks, Nivo Sliders or Static Image with or without description (great JS efect slideshow)
- Unlimited A, B, C, D section combinations (you can on/off all of these sections separately)
- Recent links in Footer Bar (same on every page)
- Footer (classical footer same on every page)
Subpage Description
The Subpage is designed by the consideration to simple creating of standard contents you may need. You can use the general sidebar same on every page that can be simple created by WP widgets. There are 3 types of page head style – with Kwicks, Nivo slider or Static Image, too.
- Header (logo & horizontal top menu, searchobx, flag bar – optional)
- Customisable background (combinations of many backgrounds)
- Customisable page style (unlimited color style)
- Customisable font and element style (light/dark colors)
- Customisable Kwicks, Nivo Sliders or Static Image with or without description (great JS efect slideshow)
- Usefull shortcodes
- Simple Sidebar created by WP widgets and prepared as transparent that you can use by the most of page color style
- Recent links in Footer Bar (same on every page)
- Footer (classical footer same on every page)